Weekly Written Review
It's a true relief to complete another screenplay. That's exactly what I did this week. That was my third one of the year. As mentioned, several times since the month of May, I've transformed into a full-blown screenwriter. After acquiring two writing partners, I ventured upon a journey to write. With one writing partner, I successfully completed two incredible screenplays relatively quickly. The screenplay with my other writing partner started off at a good pace but it slowed down after a while. He had some planned trips that postponed a few meetings than my schedule picked up.
We developed a good treatment, built a lot of great momentum but it eventually got put to the side. After completing my second screenplay of the year in September, I knew it was time to complete the other. I did not want to go into the holiday season with a screenplay looming over my head. I had to get it done. First, I deserved a break and I needed it. I allowed myself to relax with sports and gaming because it was really hard returning to the mindset of writing again. I completed one day of rewriting but that's about it. I honestly didn't want to write. Nonetheless, I decided to maintain relaxing and resume writing during my Colorado trip and it worked.
Getting away from my routine environment was imperative in returning to a creative state of mind. I arrived in Colorado with maybe 20 good pages. I had some pages from my writing partner but I rewrote most of it. It was very difficult getting started. I did almost everything to avoid initiating. Often I kept telling myself, "One more game, then start writing." Finally, I dove in and it was smooth sailing from thereon. Initiating is always the hardest part. It's a big process for me to begin. I got back into writing last week (474) Wed, Nov 16th. Exactly a week later I was at 70 pages. By the end of the week, I completed my draft with 100 pages. It's such a relief to get it done. There's an indescribable freeness soaring through my body and I love it. Still a lot of work ahead with edits, grammatical checks, and rewrites but there's no longer a pending pressure to write new pages and produce ideas. I need a true break from that. This also prepares me to fully embrace preproduction of you know what. Wink. Wink.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
* JH workday 3. Rough shoot. A lot of time on the ground.
* Writing RAD
Monday, October 21, 2019
* Off shooting day for everybody
* Blogging...
* Group screening of Dragon Soldiers
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
* Writing RAD
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
* Washing clothes
* Writing RAD (70 pages)
* Acquired a production advisor for my autobiographical
Thursday, October 24, 2019
* JH workday 4. Shot a really good scene. A good combination of physical acting and dialogue.
Friday, October 25, 2019
* Writing RAD
Saturday, October 26, 2019
* First draft of RAd completed (100 pages)
As the quest continues...
The future of Late Night
Motown Maurice
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