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Celebrities Protest Boko Haram's Abduction of 200+ Girls in Nigeria: Bring Back Our Girls

Being a Nigerian living in Nigeria, I never thought the worldwide exposure I always wished for Nigeria would come via a negative issue. About four weeks ago, the Nigerian terrorist group, Boko Haram abducted 200+ teenage girls from their school. Boko Haram, which means 'western education is sinful' in Arabic, has been terrorizing citizens of Nigeria since 2008. They especially operate in the Northern part of the country, where Islam is the predominant religion. So, basically, they don't want any form of western civilization or Christian teachings in the region. So, they bomb churches, and other areas predominated by Christians in the north. Although, in recent times, they have also bombed Mosques. Their latest act of abducting these school girls is to use them as a shield from planned attacks on their hideout by the Nigerian military.

I typed all that to say that their operations have been going on for more than five years now (bombing and killing of innocent citizens), but they became infamous worldwide in the last couple of weeks cos they abducted those school girls. Check out pics of different celebrities protesting the actions of the Terrorist organization below...from Anne Hathaway, to Trey Songz, to Diddy, to Wendy Williams...

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