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Skinny Dip London have a store.....in London.....I wish I had known this!

I had no idea that Skinny Dip had a store in London! I was so happy to see it! I'm sickened I didn't buy anything since people seem to love my milk carton bag! I couldn't decide if I should buy the cat bag or the laptop bag. I am also convinced about buying the cat bag. Although its going to have to wait until I get home sadly!

I also didn't realise they now make my milk carton bag in lavender. Also, the unicorn tears bag was also there. I am in two minds about it. I love it but I think I prefer the cat bag more!

You find the shop in Soho and its really worth going to see!

I totally prefer my blue and red version of this! Although, I wish I had known that you could use a student discount with them before I paid full price! hahahaha

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