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Guess who's back? Back again!

Dear me, looking through so many of my blog posts, I do seem to be saying the same thing; I'm still here but not really er....here! That is, I'm a blogger who rarely blogs. Is this an oxymoron? Am I just a moron? Who knows?

What I do know is that this year has been INSANE! Everything came to a head in August; I got married (yay!), moved house (argh but mainly yay!), moved from the city to a new town (goodbye Birmingham, hello Leam!) and started a new job. Unsurprisingly, I had to postpone my blogging.

And then........I just never came back. Instead of painting my nails, I was breaking them....packing boxes, unpacking boxes, tidying, cleaning; my nails snapped but my house became cleaner and more and more of a home. 

I must admit, there was a small part of me that also simply couldn't be bothered. And then another part of me that simply realised I has nothing to blog; my new job simply won't allow me to rock up wearing neon glittery leopard print nails:( It seems I'm not the only one either; The Crumpet (all hail the Crumpet) has recently written an excellent post about the reasons some of us simply quit blogging.

However, I missed blogging, I missed the sense of community. So I'm back - but with a few changes. I will still be blogging nails whenever I can, but a few other things will be cropping up to; crafts mainly, I've become a cross-stitching demon recently for some reason! But for today, I'll be sharing something very personal with you; my hatred of unpacking!

So, bearing in mind hubbie and I moved in our new home in August, I have been putting off unpacking big time! We're lucky enough to have a garage in our new house, so all of the below was just dumped in there. Out of sight, out of mind! This worked fantastically until hubbie decided to turn our garage into a gym. Having to hurdle over these was not what he had in mind and they made getting to the running machine tricky. It was time for drastic action!

 Boo inspecting the assortment of 'stuff'.

So finally, today, I bit the bullet, and alongside some box loving kitties, I did what the books recommend; I ditched the clutter! My local charity shop will be loving me come Monday! 3 boxes to them, one to the tip and then.....

This is it! This is all that I actually needed/wanted out of all of that stuff. Neatly packed into one box. Amazing:) I couldn't have done it without the 'team' though....

A cat's box is its castle and thus must be defended! 

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