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Neon Marble

Hi Everyone!

I want to say thank you so much for the warm welcome after my last post! It was like a huge hug after being away for so long and your support and encouraging words truly warm my heart! I'm looking forward to playing with polish again and sharing the results with you. Hugs!<3

Today I'm super excited to show you the manicure that I've been wearing for the past few days because its a water marble and its neon! Need I say more? Marbling and I don't usually get along. I end up spending an inordinate amount of time trying to do it the usual way before I finally give up and 'cheat' by creating decals. To save myself the frustration and wasted polish, I thought I'd be smart and head straight to making decals. You may have caught a sneak peek of this if you follow me on Instagram. Well let's just say that didn't turn out quite as planned so I ended up attempting the traditional way of water marbling instead...

Last July I purchased a set of seven BL Nails neon polishes in the hopes of doing just this with them. Sad to say, but they sat on my desk in the shipping box just as I received them since that time. With the weather turning sunny and warm, I was itching to try these beauties out. I'm really impressed with how easily they marbled even for a marbling newbie such as myself. Although I won't kid you and pretend this happened on first attempt. Through no fault of the polish, I may have redone a nail or five a few times and wasted used way too much polish on one manicure, but I'm really proud of the result...

I marbled seven BL Nails shades for this manicure over a base of white to really make them pop...

Both hands! Can you believe it?
I wasn't thrilled with the middle and ring finger on my right hand, but I didn't want to tempt the marbling fates and ruin the left hand in an effort to redo those those two nails. Now they've kind of grown on me...

They glow beautifully under black light as one would expect for neons...

The BL Nails neon collection contains seven shades (although if I'm not mistaken there was another color added to the collection since I purchased them). How cute is that logo? BL in the name stands for Bunny Love...

The swatches below are two coats of each color. There is a gorgeous purple in this collection as well, but due to an accidental mix up in my order, I received the shade you see on the very left swatch stick (and bottom left corner in the photo above) instead. It is very similar to the hot pink shade, just slightly more sheer than the rest and has has a different glow under black light. Nicolette, the creator of this brand has graciously offered to send me the missing purple even though it has been so long since my order. How is that for awesome customer service? I'm looking forward to trying it out as well and showing you what I come up with!

Now for the decals and my fail...
The polishes marbled beautifully and I was so proud of this pretty flower! I ended up making four very similar to this and let them dry on the water before pulling them off to fully dry off. I must have let them sit for too long however because they became very brittle and flaky. They crumbled while I was trying to apply them and the frustration was beyond words...

I finally got bits and pieces applied to my nails (plus a random pink flake that stuck to my index finger if you look closely). It was frustrating and my right hand was in much worse shape for sure, but I was seeing the light at the end of this tunnel. After all the pattern looks pretty good, right. It wasn't until I applied the top coat when bubbles, bubbles and more bubbles popped up. All the lines went wonky and I gave up.

How can the perfectly smooth lines of the marble floating above turn into this? Ugh. I'm still having nightmares. Sticking to just traditional marbling with these neons from now on. No more decals for me...

I'd love to know what you think of this manicure (either the good or the bad)...
Do you have any marbling stories to share? Are you a marble pro or a newbie like me?

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)

** Polishes were purchased by me for personal use. **
** For more information please see the disclosure policy **

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