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Tutorial: Cheerleader

I decided to try my hand at making tutorials on this blog, as this is something I really enjoy and hopefully you will find useful. I would love to know what you think about it.

This is a tutorial for the cheerleader nails I was sporting yesterday...

To do this manicure you will need:
- Two contrasting colors, one for the base, one for the tip
- Scotch tape (I usually prefer transparent tape, but thought the matte magic tape would be more visible for this. However, the magic tape tends to rip, so I wouldn't not recommend it, if you will be trying this...)
- Striping tape of any color
- Scissors to cut the tape
- Tweezers to handle the striping tape
- Qtip or brush w/acetone (not pictured) for cleanup

Starting out:
- Start out by applying 2-3 coats of base color and letting it fully dry

Step 1:
- Cut the tape to make a 90 degree angle
- Place the tape on your nail so that the corner is in the center and facing the tip

Step 2:
- Add striping tape on the tip above the Scotch tape

Step 3:
- Apply a coat of the contrasting color to the tip

Step 4:
- Quickly, but carefully remove both the Scotch and striping tape while the polish is still wet

Step 5:
- With an acetone (or nail polish remover) soaked Qtip or brush, clean up around the nail

All Done!
- Apply a topcoat and you are done!

Hopefully you found this useful. Let me know what you think...

Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)

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