Star Jones’ GAY ex-beau wants the world to see him as a different man than portrayed by the pesky media! He recently launched his own Channel where all his fans (if he has any), can know the “real” him. He seemingly wants us to understand that he is extremely soft spoken, also that's he's a "Pretty Boy" (in his own mind), well mannered, impeccably dressed, jheri curled, semi-thugged out (when need be) and can plaster a phony smile across his face while reading the words “I am not a homosexual.” Good job, Al! Now repeat it two more times in front of a fairy and your wish will come true! PART 1 AL I'm Not Gay Part 2 On marriage to Star Jones. This fool is so Damm.. GAY and I'm sure the in-fighting about who's going to wear the stiletto today was enough to file for divorce.
HOUSE OF GLITZ: It's OK girl we get it you are a Diva who married a Diva..!!..Take your dress out of the closet put it on ..."Now work it"..!!
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