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CODE NAME 711 Blog Tour Update--with updated list of #giveaways

I hope you're all able to follow along with the blog tour--I've had lots of fun with these interviews...

And then there are still some giveaways open! I've listed the full tour below, with the end date to each of the giveaways. I owe a big thanks to Harper Children's for graciously donating a set of both books to the winners.

Double Vision: Code Name 711 Blog Tour Stops

Oct 7: Librarian extraordinaire Ms. Yingling reviews Double Vision: Code Name 711

Oct. 7: Criminal Element is giving away a Top-Secret Spy Kit for kids, including the first and second book in the Double Vision series. **giveaway closed**

Oct. 8Double Vision is MG Ninja’s book of the week. There’s an interview and a review!

Oct 8: Check out this great review of Code Name 711 at Our Thoughts Precisely...

Oct. 15Launch day! Look for an interview at Sleuths, Spies and Alibis plus another GIVEAWAY of books… Also, virtual cake and lemonade is on me. **giveaway closed**

Oct. 16, 17Buried in Books reviews Code Name 711, plus another GIVEAWAY **giveaway closed**

Oct. 18Unleashing Readers—a review of Code Name 711 and interview and GIVEAWAY**giveaway closed**

Oct. 21This Kid Reviews Books—cool kid Erik gives his verdict on Linc’s second adventure, and another GIVEAWAY **giveaway closed**

Oct. 23Word Spelunking—an interview and GIVEAWAY **ends Nov 1**

Oct. 25: The ever amazing in-the-know Pragmatic Mom reviews Code Name 711, plus another GIVEAWAY **ends Nov 9**

Oct. 28: An interview at Caroline Starr Rose’s blog feature,Curriculum Connections—find out how Code Name 711 can be used in the classroom! Plus, a GIVEAWAY**ends Oct. 31**

Oct 29: Another amazing librarian, YA Booknerd, reviews Code Name 711... Plus, a GIVEAWAY **ends Nov. 4**

Oct. 30: A review at Kids Mystery Book Reviews! And an interview on Nov. 4...

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