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Dawson and Jane

Oh Netflix, how I love thee. Last week I finished the entire series of Dawson's Creek. Really, it should have been called Joey's Creek because it seemed to be mostly about her. I'm pretty sure there were a couple episodes that didn't even have Dawson IN it. This was my first Dawson experience... even though the show had them graduate in 2001, which is exactly when I graduated, I was "younger" than those kids so I didn't "get" it back when the show was on.

Also thanks to Netflix, I've been watching a new show called Jane by Design. SO CUTE and ADORABLE and PRECIOUS and I CAN'T STOP WATCHING IT. It's about a girl still in high school that tries to get an internship for a fashion designer, but she's mistaken for someone else and lands a real job as the creative director's assistant. So now she's basically leading a double life so obviously, hilarity ensues. The acting's good, the storyline is fun, the characters are lovable.

And if you need another reason to watch it... watch it for Billy! He's SO SWEET it KILLS me.

So what has Netflix done for you lately? Have you watched either of these shows?

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