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Out of the loins of babes

Michaela Aston
Life Charity

Dear Mrs. Aston,

I saw your quote about the 13 year old father and I couldn't agree more. I hope other Sun readers join you in "commend[ing] these teenagers for their courage in bringing their child into the world," because that's what these kids need most of all, a pat on the back.

That's what I like about compelled-childbirth organizations like yours. You spend a great deal of money giving guidance to pregnant teens without falling into what I like to call, "the what's next trap." You know what I mean. A kid has a baby. We congratulate her, and it should stop there, but there are some who say, "shouldn't we do more than simply say 'good girl;' shouldn't we be helping her and the boy prepare for what's next, the actual parenting?'

It's an easy trap to fall into, especially when a 13 year old father says things like:
"I didn’t think about how we would afford it. I don’t really get pocket money. My dad sometimes gives me £10." 
But damn it, these children committed a sin, and, as you obviously understand, providing real help to them and their baby would only condone that sin. Parenthood is their punishment, and it is wrong for anyone, other than God, to intervene.

Heterosexually yours in a chaste and biblically appropriate kind of way,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot

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