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Report from the Frontline in the War on Retail

As we have been hearing for the past couple of days, there were a few injuries last Friday as many Americans fought bravely on the frontline in the War on Retail. We saw numerous pictures of shoppers camping out, sleeping on the sidewalk and waiting for the stores to open. They were doing this so they could punch and pull themselves to the counter to pay half price for something that will inevitably become landfill in the not too distant future. What courage they displayed.

Meanwhile, also worth mentioning, in the news was the fact that our soldiers are fighting and dying in Iraq for some drummed up reason, yet to be discovered. Also hundreds of Iraqis have met their death as well.

Perhaps the civilian retail soldiers who are willing to sacrifice so much personal time for a half-priced game, or whatever, could show the same level of sacrifice for their country if they truly support this war in Iraq and the man who sent our troops there.

The national news networks actually showed the hell that has become Iraq and then followed that story with the coverage of Americans fighting and pushing one another to cash in on the Black Friday sales. I don’t think they recognized the irony in putting the two stories back to back.

If people in other countries saw these reports, there is only one conclusion they could draw. They must see us as selfish, greedy, mean people who have no true heart or conscience. Maybe they’re right.

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