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How to Find Happiness A-Z: F

Mom stopped her 2 year old daughter at the door, the girl's fingers on the knob. "Crystal, where are you going?"

The little girl turned around. "Mom!" She threw both hands down, exhasperated. "I have to play with my friends!" 


Can we talk too much about the importance of good friends? The best ones inspire us to do better, to be better, to reach for our greatest potential. The bad ones drag us into a pit of failure.

Photo courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net 
I have been blessed with an overabundance of amazing friends. Many of you are on the blog-o-sphere with me. Some of you aren't. I can't say too much good about the awe-inspiring people who've stood by my side through difficulty and joy: my incredible husband, my children, my parents, brothers and sisters, inlaws, my Holy Cheesers, Melanie, Valerie, Jen-Jen, Eliza, Amy, Krista... The list might never end. I count each and every one of them as a special godsend.

The more people I come to love, the more my heart expands. In their successes, I find happiness. In their sorrows, I find a place of deep and abiding compassion. Mom thought me a little over-dramatic at two years old, but I think as a child, I understood something quite paramount: happiness comes from being invested in other's lives. Joy comes from the relationships we develop.

Are you that friend--the one who lifts others up and helps them to see the good they're accomplishing? What fabulous friends have you found through the years, and have you told them how much you appreciate them lately? 

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