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A Winter Skate

                                                            Hello everyone,
      I hope you all enjoyed a fun weekend. I was excited to finally have a day with good ice and gently falling snowflakes and reasonable winter day temperatures so we could have a little skating party with some of the little ones(our four granddaughters).
           Whenever, I saw this victorian sled at BC Antiques in Kensington, I  had picture in my mind!

             Yesterday, we had good ice but no snow hardly at all so I was happy to get a little snow today for a better background and more wintry appeal. Now,apparently there is a blizzard warning for tonight and tomorrow so we may have lots before it is over.
          I think the winter princess costume on Jessica was perfect for the victorian sled.
                                                 Taking a twirl around the ice, Olivia stopped to pose for her Grandma.

                                     I made a couple of these little skating skirts for the girls.

                                                     Abby and her Mama(our eldest).

                                                   Lila getting her skates on.

                                 I made a big pot of hot cocoa and Andrew had a nice fire going in the chiminea.
                                       Grandpa giving a little help with the skates.

                                                          Fit for a princess!
                                                      You know I love collages.

                       It is so much fun to go skating in a winter wonderland.

I think Abby was getting cold by this time so time to go in for some treats-right girls!
                           I had fun -hope you all did too!

                                   Can't wait for the next skating day!!!

                                                                     Thank you for visiting,

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